Download AIMP2 free
Hai sahabat blogger, gimana nih kabarnya? mudah-mudahan baik-baik saja. Sudah lama nih tidak posting, dan Alhamdulillah saya bisa posting kembali. Kali ini saya akan posting tentang AIMP2, kalian sudah punya software ini belum? kalau belum klik disini.
yaitu AIMP2 yang sekarang sudah mencapai versi AIMP 2, software ini berlisensi free jadi bebas anda gunakan sesuka hati, Berikut review kelebihan dari software ini yang saya kutip dari situs berbahasa inggris silahkan diartikan sendiri :p
# Crystal-clear sound, technology of reproduction essentially differs from Winamp and WMP
# Sensitive equalizer
# A maximum of functionality from a minimum of resources
# The minimal consumption of system resources
# Multilingual support
# Support of set of formats of audio
# Adjustment of global and local hot keys (patterns from WinAmp and WMP)
# Flexible options of the program and various covers will allow you to make A.I.M.P. completely individual
# Support of plug-ins with which help it is possible to expand opportunities of the program
# The audioconverter codes music from the most different formats in wma, mp3, wav, ogg
# AudioGrab allows to overtake AudioCD in Mp3, OGG, WAV or WM
# The sound recording will allow you to write down a sound from any audio of the device in system
# The built - in editor of tags, support WMA, MP3, OGG
# An opportunity of record AudioCD, MP3-disks and disks with given.
Daripada anda penasaran, langsung saja download link dibawah ini,
Download AIMP2 free
Posted by 04.44 and have
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wow ,. :)
BalasHapussayangnya ane udah punya sob , hehe :)
kunjungan dan komen baliknya saya tunggu sob disini